We’re a world-class, non-profit medical rescue organisation which services the medical emergency needs of the Johannesburg Jewish community, and assists existing local medical emergency services.

We’ve earned an outstanding reputation for

  • Excellent medical treatment
  • Personalised care of patients
  • Providing free service to all

More than just an emergency response

Community Awareness

Chat to our Hatzolah Connect counsellors on our secure and anonymous chat line.
Life2Life is an organisation that was founded to educate and raise awarenessof blood and organ donation, primarily within the South African Jewish community.
Be a hero, give blood
Pulse Magazine

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What people have to say

I am so grateful for you guys.

I really thought something was going to happen to me after I came home from Shabbos dinner, I had never had a reaction like that before. All I saw was swelling, everywhere.

May this year be filled with brocha and Hatzlocha to you and all the members of the Hatzolah team...

I really appreciate everything that you have done 🌺🌺🌺


On Wednesday 12th October I was taken ill suddenly at Ba Pita restaurant. 2 young men were called out by my friend and they helped so much.
No panic just efficient. Please could you thank me for them? I so appreciate their skill and support. They are stars!


My wife was lying motionless on the floor, and I was desperate for help.
It was the first night of Rosh Hashonah. I called Hatzolah and your men came immediately. They were wonderful. They checked my wife and took her to the Bedford Hospital. My donation is deep appreciation of Hatzolah, and the service that Hatzolah provides makes me proud to be a Jew.

May you go from strength to strength.


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Hatzolah Highlight
Hatzolah Highlight
Hatzolah Highlight