Hatzolah Medical Rescue ELUL 5775 - August 2015 - page 49

On behalf of the South African Jewish community, it is my honoured
responsibility to commend and give grateful thanks to Hatzolah for their holy
work in saving lives on a daily basis. All those whomake the work of Hatzolah
possible – the responders, board members, funders and others – have the
inestimable merit of fulfilling that great Torah principle of pikuach nefesh
(saving life), which is so important to Hashem that it sets aside almost all of
Hatzolah ensures that we can all live with the peace of mind knowing that
emergency expert medical assistance is only a fewminutes away. This reality
strengthens and comforts the South African Jewish community, for whom life
without Hatzolah is unthinkable.
May Hashembless Hatzolahwith another year of great success in saving lives
andhelping peoplewith such chesed.
It is my privilege to express a few thoughts and feelings about our beloved
Firstly, we thank the members of Hatzolah for their sincere commitment and
dedication to saving so many lives in our community. Our sages teach that
"Saving one life is tantamount to saving the whole world." Due to Hatzolah's
wonderful work, so many people have been granted the blessing of
continuing their own personal worlds; Hatzolah has granted themmore days
andyears to give joy andhappiness to their families and friends.
Secondly, Hatzolah has witnessed incredible Siyata Dishmaya, help from
Above, in establishing and building this marvellous institution. We thank
HashemWho has allowed and enabled His loyal messengers to save the lives
of somany of His belovedpeople.
Thirdly, we thank all the members of the wonderful South African community who have contributed so
generously towards supporting this amazing organization. May they merit to continue to do so, and
participate in thiswonderfulMitzvah.
May Hashem bless our beloved Hatzolah with continued success, and through the continued
participationof our communitymaywe all have a healthy andhappyNewYear.
Message from Rabbi Auerbach
Message from Chief Rabbi Dr W Goldstein
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